Thursday, July 31, 2008
Oh my Goodness -- Report from Sargent Beach!
Tomorrow we're going to Sea Center Texas to check out the touch tank, aquariums and fish hatchery. On to Academy to get me some new ski gloves since mine have cratered, and maybe a trip to see Wall-E at the movies.
The Lamy's are coming in tomorrow and maybe the Bruins. Hoping to see Kelly Owen & her kids next week. It's a blast!
I did drive the boat some today and pulled Biggs on the wakeboard. It still makes me way nervous, and I almost put it in reverse and backed over him once, but I still managed to get us all home safe.
More details soon. And pictures when we get home! I do have to say.... We're going to have to come up with something new to do -- seriously, how many pictures can I post of the girls in an inner tube??
Big Hugs,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Stay Tuned for News!
The Biggslets and I are going to be offline for the next couple of weeks -- we're headed to the Fishin' Hut. So I may not be posting until about August 10. Hang in there -- I'm sure I'll have tons of pix and video to post when we get back!!!
Be Safe,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Team Tiara Training Tees
Hi Ya'll!!!
This is probably our last order of Training Tees for the season. If you're on the team and want a shirt, or if you're one of our cheerleaders and want a shirt, here is what you need to know.
These are the "Tiara in Training" shirts for adults. They have the logo on the front....
And a walking billboard on the back. These shirts are $21.65. Pre-paid.
Kids' shirts have the log on the front, only. They're $18.40. Pre-paid.
We're also doing "Team Tiara Rocks" shirts. Those are $21.65 as well. They'll be blank on the back.
What I need from you....
Check made out to "Cypress Sports & More"
Size / Style shirts you're ordering.
If you can, please shoot me an email to dlynbiggs(at) and let me know that your check is coming!!!
Happy Thursday!
- d.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Luv the Babcocks
Here's sweet Zoe on the quilt her Auntie D'Lyn made her.
All the kids -- and Jake.
Cooper LOVES Jake. I tried to send him home with them, but Kayren didn't think he'd fit in the car. They do, however, have a stray cat that's been hanging out in their backyard. I told her Jake could solve that problem in no time!
Cooper's decided he and Jake are going to be pen pals. This should be fun!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Welcome, Baby Kelton!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
That means I'm only $60 short of the "required" $2200 fundraising amount!
If you want to help put me over the mark, just click on the 3-Day ad on the right!!!
Big Hugs,
I'm Walking!
Road Trip 2008
Here's baby Kelton with a VERY proud Auntie D'Lyn. He was bruised a lot during delivery, so that explains the blue face. Dr. Hays said that as long as his lips were pink, he was okay. Whew!!
Speaking of Dr. Hays, she delivered Kaitlyn, Kamryn and now Kelton. She definitely has stock in this family! She came out to the waiting room to visit with us for a bit -- it was great to see her!
Here the girls check out their new cousin. I think they're already ready to introduce him to the world of fishing!
From Waxahachie, we drove straight to Fluvanna to get there for Granny Nelva's 74th birthday lunch. We were kind of late, but the left-overs were great!!! Carla & Donelle were there with Sarah, Callie and Pace. That Pace is something else!!!
Thursday night was the opening night of the Snyder Rodeo. So, the girls got all decked out and went to see Grandma Laverne. She wasn't up for a lot, but we did snap a quick picture.
Kaitlyn's goal for the visit was to find a way to touch the ceiling. Paw-Paw was more than happy to help her out!
Here's Kait on Simon before the rodeo. She wasn't riding in the Grand Entry, but she made sure to get some time in with her friend before the show started!
Here's Abs in her "official" riding helmet -- she loves it!
Abbie & Uncle Max. It's a mutual admiration society for the two of them.
Friday night we went out to the Flying J Ranch for dinner. Here's Kait on a $2 / 2-minute horseback ride.
I know you can't tell from her "big smile," but that Abbie really is happiest when on a horse!
Here are the girls and Aunt M'Lys panning for gold. We didn't find any big nuggets, but they had fun playing in the water!
Kait decided looking for rocks in the gift shop was way easier than panning for gold.
Here are the girls with the sheriff of Bonita City.
Shortly after our visit with the sheriff, two outlaws came to town. Don't they look dangerous??
At dinner, the girls had a great time playing with Aunt M'Lys' new I-touch.
We stayed with my cousin Angie at her cabin. That was great. It's up in the canyon and the smell of the pines in the morning is so refreshing!!
On Saturday, we got up and drove with Aunt Vell to the hotel, where the girls and I hiked up the hill. Later, they hiked with their "big" cousin Kaitlyn and my cousin Greg. Greg has always been one of my favorites -- maybe because he's just a big kid at heart?
After lunch, we went to the Races. The girls each placed two bets. Abbie won on both and Kait won on one, so I think we just ended up about 20 cents in the hole over-all. They had a great time, and I think Granpa Weldon had a lot of fun watching them. Of course, no trip to the races is complete without bumming ice cream off your Granpa -- a task the excelled at!!!
We left the races early to go to the Hubbard horse museum. Unfortunately, it was closed to the public for their annual fundraiser. But we did get to wander around outside and check out the horse sculptures.
We headed back to the hotel for a swim and dinner after that, then it was on to the Go-Karts for the Goober 500. I don't have pictures of that yet, but it was a blast. I did the Go-Karts with the girls first -- loved the little Go-Karts and the fact that I could easily outrun the 12-year-olds. Then, Angie said she'd watch the girls so I could do the "big" Go-Karts with the rest of the cousins. Oh my goodness. Talk about addictive! I did scream like a girl. And Uncle Lane was pretty much no-holds-barred when it came to trying to run me off the track. But it was so much fun.
That night, we piled into Angie's "Cabin Car" -- a 1984 AMC Eagle hatchback thingy -- for a midnight Bear Hunt. No shoulder seatbelts in the backseat -- just lap belts. And it's own special smell that's really hard to described. Angie drove all over looking for a bear for Abbie to see -- no luck. We did drive by my Great-Grandmother Chatchie's old cabin. It didn't look nearly as big as I remembered from when I was Abbie's age, but it was great to see it.
Angie was such a wonderful hostess. She remembers what it's like to travel alone with two kids, and she really went above and beyond. Especially with the bear hunt -- it was a blast!
The girls really had a great time climbing all over the rocks at the hotel. They wanted to bring them ALL home, but we settled on a few "special" rocks. They each found a special place at the hotel where they would sit for forever and just look at the view. Here's Kait's "beautiful view" from her rock.
Okay. So.... This next series of pictures has a theme. Can you figure it out?
That's right! It's me at the reunion with cousins who are older than I am!!! Seriously, though, I just met Laura on this trip -- I have no idea if our paths have ever crossed before. But she rocks -- and she lives in Houston! Go figure! But the others... Sidney, Angie and Laura Jane are all "older" cousins that I've always thought the world of and looked up to all these years. If Angie's eyes were just open...
I really think the highlight was spending time with Aunt Vell. I've always thought it was such a shame she lived all the way in IDAHO! Aunt Vell and I spent a good part of our time at the reunion cuddling the babies. Here we are with Baby Bella -- the newest member of the clan and the owner of more headband bows than any baby I've ever seen!
Here are the girls on Abbie's "special rock" with Cousin Hannah -- Laura's daughter. They think it's pretty cool that they've discovered a cousin who lives in Houston!
Sunday was a REALLY long day. We left Ruidoso and drove to Midland to get our car, then on to Sonora to spend time with Kelly Owen's crew. Here, a very worn-out Kaitlyn naps in the car.Spending time with Kelly's family was a dream come true. Rebeckah, her oldest, is a month younger than Abbie. And Reagan, her middle child, is about a week older than Kaitlyn. And then there's Gage, who has to be about the cutest 3-year-old ever. He's a mess!
Many of you will remember praying for Kelly's family in the spring of 2007. They are the ones who were in a massive car wreck between Sonora and San Angelo. Kelly's right arm was almost severed and was broken in 50+ places. Rebeckah's skull was cracked all the way from behind her right eye, around the top of her head, and back to the bottom of her skull.
This family is living proof that miracles happen. Rebeckah has no brain damage, and only two visible scars. She's happy and healthy and a perfect 7-year-old. Kelly's arm has frozen at the elbow and she cannot rotate her wrist. But she has enough function in her arm to drive and handle all the household tasks a mom takes care of. And she has the most amazing attitude. I'm truly blessed to have her for a friend. Please continue to keep their family in your prayers, especially as Kelly faces additional surgeries down the road.
When I planned this trip, I knew I had a choice. Monday, July 21, marked one year since my Mom had gone to Heaven. And I had a decision to make. I could spend the day sitting around, feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on the what-could-have-beens and the past. Or I could choose life. For the girls and I, I chose life. And Monday, we lived life to the fullest.
If you believe that my Mom has a window from Heaven where she can see us living life, then you know she saw us on Monday -- and spent time with us this whole week. Joined by a whole host of uncles, aunts and friends, she must have had a window to our crazy adventures.
Yep, we chose life.
On Monday, we took the gang to the Sonora Caverns. Here, they try their hand at sluicing. It was a bit more fruitful than the panning for gold, but still no million-dollar nuggets!
See? Isn't he the cutest 3-year-old??
Once we went into the Caverns, our top-notch guide took us to the classroom for a dinosaur dig.
We really packed in a lot of adventure. After the caverns, we drove out to Paint Rock to see Fred and Kay Campbell and the Indians' painted rocks. I can't tell you how good it was to see Kay and Fred. I hadn't seen them in about 13 years -- since I worked for Ranch Magazine. They are still such precious friends. And we were so blessed to spend time with them.
Here are a few shots of the painted rocks. This one, the Turtle rock was a way of recording the summer solstice.
Here are our Indian chiefs making some big predictions!
Then, they all did a rain dance. Something tells me our personal medicine woman may have had a bit of help from the weatherman and a certain Hurricane named Dolly.
This is a cool painting. On the way over, Kelly and I read that it depicts the burning of a mission. We were really amazed at how the history ties into the paint rocks.
The learning never stops! Here the kids feed a dogie angora goat at Kay & Fred's house.
My friendship with Kay (and Kelly Owen and Kelley Watkins) was one of the best things to come out of the time I lived in San Angelo.
So then it was back to the Ft. McKavett Ranch -- five exhausted kids and two worn-out Mamas. But not too tired to get up early Tuesday morning and bottle-feed the fawns!
Here are the girls with Terry. He hasn't changed a bit in all these years. It was great to spend time with him!
Empty Nester Shops
Let's Give this Shopping Thing a Whirl! Let's face it. I'm a bit fluffy. (Although I have to say I've ditched 10 lbs. of f...
Mom said a lot's happened in The Empty Nesterhood since she blogged last.... Here's just a glimpse! Happy New Year from Breck! And N...
I know.... I know.... I promised you a new, improved Empty Nesterhood blog; and I'm back to talking about the kids. BUT you can't p...