Thursday, February 29, 2024

Empty Nester Shops

Let's Give this Shopping Thing a Whirl!


Let's face it. I'm a bit fluffy. (Although I have to say I've ditched 10 lbs. of fluffiness since this picture in January.) I'm not the skier my people are. Yes, I've done the black diamonds, but I'm perfectly content on my blue runs. I'm the MOM -- well aware that if I tear my ACL our household won't run smoothly. I've never been comfortable on moguls, and powder has always given me pause. I've sought out the groomed runs and been perfectly content to ski those at my own pace while my chicks all hit the trees, bumps and other assorted craziness. 

Until this year. In January, we skied Angel Fire Resort in New Mexico. Chris at Winter Sports put me on a set of Black Crow Vertis Birdie skis to demo. Holy Cow. For the first time EVER, I was thrilled to ski in powder. These skis could handle anything I threw at them -- and gave me a confidence I've never had. I've been skiing since I was 14, and this was the absolute best I have ever skied. 

I've bought a pair of these, and they are waiting for me in Angel Fire. If you are even thinking about ditching the rental process and buying a set of skis, I can't recommend them enough! 

Two Important Things! First, these skies are being discontinued after this year! So if you're looking for an all-mountain ski that is just AMAZING, you might want to jump on it!  Also, I'm 5'5" and skied on the 152s. Again, I'm just a regular skier -- nothing fancy. And this length was perfect for me!

Note: This is my first affiliate link EVER. If you do buy the Vertis Birdies from this link, I'll receive a bit of compensation. Which would help pay for some ski poles.... 

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Empty Nester Shops

Let's Give this Shopping Thing a Whirl!   Let's face it. I'm a bit fluffy. (Although I have to say I've ditched 10 lbs. of f...