Wednesday, October 31, 2007

L.A. Hasn't Called....

But they emailed!!!!!!!!

"we would love it if you would come to LA, along with Suzie, to be in the commercial. You will get a call tomorrow, if you haven’t already, with more information. We really liked your story, especially the passing on of the your mom’s picture on the tiara. I really hope that you will be able to join us. It is going to be a remarkable weekend.


Check out how she spells her name -- just like my Kait!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To Register for the 2008 DFW 3-Day:

Click on "Join our team."

You can either walk or crew -- it's up to you!

It once was lost, but now is found!

Two years ago this month, I made the trek with my Mom to MD Anderson for a follow-up visit with her oncologist, and also an appointment with her the nephrologist who was working with her. The appt. with the oncologist went great. The appt. with the nephrologist didn't. Her kidneys were failing faster than expected, and she needed to make some tough decisions concerning dialysis. We couldn't get a straight answer on a kidney transplant -- just that it would be several more years before she could get one because of the breast cancer and chances of reoccurrance.

We came home deflated, defeated. I was feeling very inadequate and wondering how on earth I came to be on deck for that appointment.

I got off the plane in Dallas and sent her on home to Lubbock. I drove directly to a little shop in Plano that I knew of and bought her a silver bangle bracelet I'd seen. It read, "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." I sent it to her immediately, and she wore it every day.

I wore it home from her funeral in July and every day since.

I wore it on the walk. I wore it as we passed that little shop on Friday and stopped to tell the owner its story.

And on Sunday morning, as we were packing up camp, I lost it. Couldn't find it anywhere. Worried that I'd thrown it out. Grieved that bracelet. Tried to tell myself that "things" aren't what mattered -- no success. Tried to convince myself that God would use it to bless someone else later -- no success.

I cried. And cried. And all I could talk about was the bracelet.

Sunday night, as soon as I could get to a computer I posted a message on the message board.

And this morning I got a call -- a woman named Susan had found my bracelet!!! And in His perfect way of taking care of every last detail, God made sure it was someone who could get it to me quickly. Out of the 3000 people at the 3-Day, this woman lives about 20 minutes from me in Houston.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I did it! 60 Miles! Not one Shuttle Bus! Not one Blister!!!!

Hello All!
Well, live-blogging from the 3-Day didn't work for some very good reasons, so I'm going to do a series of posts and back-date them. So.... You'll want to skip down and read Friday, then work your way up!!!

Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Day 3 -- Sunday

Here are the pictures from Day 3. Day 3 was really hard for me (see post above about the bracelet.) But it was a great day nonetheless. Read on....

These kids were so cute. Their T-shirts read, "Our Mommies walk because we can't hug our Grandma." I cried.

The signs people make are one of my favorite things about the 3-Day....

I have to say, it took me two trips by this sign to get what it meant. I never knew there was a name for "that."

One really neat thing that happened on Sunday... We passed one of the women that I'd given a tiara to on Saturday. I asked her how she and my Mom were doing. Her reply went something like this: Oh, I have to give you a hug! You've made me cry three times! Every time someone would ask me if I was doing okay, I'd say Yes. Sue's walking with me.
I cried. And I vowed to take at least 100 of those tiaras on the walk with me next year.

And the absolute best part of the day -- Biggs and the girls showed up to surprise me. Yep, that's right. One husband, 12 fellow walkers, two kids, two dear friends and I don't know who all else were able to keep a secret. It was just what I needed -- just when I needed it!

Check out the cap I wore on Day 3. There was a ribbon on it for each of my sponsors and for each of the people they asked me to walk for. That's what it looks like when you raise over $11,000 for breast cancer research and education!

This would be Suzi and Maxine.... While Maxine was Suzi's favorite, I have to say she stopped to love on just about every dog we passed. Next year I'm bringing her a bag of doggie treats to share!
We got to "grafitti" the Care Flight ambulance in thanks to the medical crew that worked so hard to keep everyone walking!
Here Suzi & I pose with Jenne Fromm, the 2007 3-Day Spokeswoman.

At White Rock Lake
Team Tiara at the Finish!!

Walking into Closing Ceremonies...

This walker's shirt said, "I miss my Mom today." I did, too!

At the end of the day, what really matters: Team Tiara raised over $35,000 and finished #15 in the rankings. BUT.... The DFW 3-Day raised $6.5 million!!! So many of you were a part of that! Thank you so very much for all your support!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday -- Day 2

Okay... I'm having trouble with blogspot. I have no idea what it's doing, but it won't let me do captions right now....

These pictures ended up all mixed up -- sorry! The one on bottom is of me with my friend Janis from Amarillo. We both walked last year as well. Janis walks in memory of her mom. The one of the guy in the pink bra is of the guy that won the Karaoke contest. Really, it wasn't much of a contest. All the girls were swooning before he started taking his shirt off. After the sight of that pink bra, the other contestants didn't even stand a chance.

Check out the "Biggs Family" sign. We didn't know those people at all -- apparently there was another Biggs family on the walk. But I sure enjoyed taking a picture with their sign!!!

Saturday was a LONG day. Day 2 is always the hardest. We walked through Addison up around Carrollton and back. But we did it. My foot held up for the entire trip. And when I was done, I knew I could do Day 3.

M'Lys had flown in Friday night, and she and A'Lise joined our team as our "Walker Stalkers" on Saturday. They came complete with Donuts and caffeine -- just what we needed, when we needed it!!! A'Lise's car is in one of the pictures above.

As we walked on Day 2, we passed a couple of walkers who were walking alone and seemed to be having a rough time of it. I'd ask them if they were walking alone, and if they were, I'd hand them one of the foam tiaras with my Mom's picture. I'd ask them if she could walk with them. And then I'd walk away fast before I just lost it. Suzi lost it, too.

The highlight of Day 2 was auditioning for a role in the 3-Day commercials. Suzi went with me and we made the casting director cry -- think that will help?? If we get chosen, it's really cool -- they'll fly us to L.A. this weekend. Of course, bajillions of people tried out, and they probably all made her cry. But it was still cool. The photographer took us out on the lawn and shot a bunch of still shots for publicity stuff. So you may be seeing us somewhere!

After all that, I got to the showers really late, and there wasn't a huge supply of hot water left.

Then, I went to the Memory Tent. It was beautiful. I signed the tent for Mom and then wrote in the memorial journal. That was really hard. I'm so glad God put it on Suzi's heart to be with me every step of the way. She was with me every step of the 60 miles, and she was there for me when I came out of that tent. And I needed that.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday -- Day 1

Friday we got out to Southfork Ranch WAY early in the morning. It was still
dark and so very cold, but I was so excited to be there and ready to start walking.

Here we are trying to stay warm!!! It was about 42 degrees outside -- not nearly warm enough for this girl -- especially since I was wearing a running skirt!

Jenne Fromm is this year's 3-Day spokeperson and a cancer survivor.

As you can see, there is some very creative attire at the 3-Day!

The Survivor's Circle at Opening Ceremonies.

JR even put up a pink ribbon for us!

And it was fun to see the "Tammies" again this year!

We found a new friend in Downtown Plano.

Here we are with one of the 20 celebration flags that were passed among the walkers.

By the time we finished, poor Shannon was no longer smiling about blister care.... But, hey! Blisters don't need Chemo!

e wall of hearts where people wrote the names of the loved ones they were walking for.

Suzi & her hearts.

Every team needs a speed demon. Kathy was ours.

Towards the end of Day 1. Still Smiling!

Coming into camp on Day 1.

Amber & I by the Day 1 sign.

Overall, Friday was a tough day. The walking part was easy. But I felt really weighted down by grief. But Mom was definitely there. I had made little foam Tiaras for everyone on our team to wear. They had a picture of her on the front and a scripture on the back. Each of the walkers on our team had one, but unfortunately they weren't as sturdy as I had hoped they would be. They would come untied and fall off or whatever.

As we came through the cheering station in Plano, I had thought a couple of friends were going to be there, but something must have come up. I was kind of down about that. Then, as we started up Alma, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone wearing one of the Tiaras with Mom's picture. "That's my Mom!" But it took a minute for me to put it together since I had no idea who this woman was. She had found it and picked it up. She asked if I wanted it, and I told her I'd like her to keep it.

At lunch, another of the Tiaras showed up on another walker. It was so cool!

We got through Day 1 just great. We managed to convince Nichole to take a few of the shuttles since her baby is due in March. And Amber's knee was hurting quite a bit. I was pretty sure all along I could get through Day 1. It was 2 and 3 I was worried about.

Friday evening I picked up all the cards that ya'll had sent. I loved them all -- it meant so much to read them. I just stood in the line for the medical tent and cried and cried while I waited to get ice for my foot. I cried and cried a lot this year, but it was a good thing.

Friday night was FREEZING. I was so cold in my tent -- my sleeping bag was only rated to 42 degrees, and it got down to 38. YIKES. About 2:30 in the morning, some guy drove by honking and yelling, "I love Boooobieeees!!!" Shortly thereafter, all the people he woke up had to head to the porta potties. At this point, though, toilet paper could still be easily found.

I vowed to find a new sleeping bag....

Empty Nester Shops

Let's Give this Shopping Thing a Whirl!   Let's face it. I'm a bit fluffy. (Although I have to say I've ditched 10 lbs. of f...