Monday, August 15, 2011

The Princess Guide: i don't want to do this anymore.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I just said that in my smallest, whispery, whiney voice.

I've done this whole 3-Day thing for six years. That's an awful lot of asking people for donations. For help.

I've personally raised over $50,000 for breast cancer research in those six years.

I've begged. Cajoled. Motivated. Cried. Ranted. Raved. Begged. Hounded. Asked.

I've planned and planned and convinced a LOT of people to join me every step of the way.

I've taken on the responsibility of a huge team because I truly felt that was part of God's plan.

I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to plan. I don't want to beg. I don't want to have to convince everyone I know that this quest is essential.

I don't want to hear that you're busy. That you've got too much on your plate. That the walk conflicts with the Opening Day of deer season.

I don't want to hear that your feet hurt or you don't want to sleep in a tent or you don't like peanut butter and jelly graham cracker sandwiches.

I don't want to hear that you have to work or you don't want to miss a soccer game.

I don't want to hear that you're nervous about raising $2300.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I'm tired of being the cheerleader. Always having to be "on" is exhausting.

To be honest, those are the thoughts that rattle through my head when I forget there is no "I" in TEAM.

We're a TEAM -- not just Team Tiara but anyone and everyone who plays any type of role in this quest to find a CURE.

And only as a giant team with thousands and thousands of people working together will we ever reach this goal.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer last week. My first thought: I'm working on the wrong damn disease. (Yes, sometimes I cuss when I talk to myself.)

But you know what? I'm not working on the wrong disease. I truly believe that the CURE will first be found with breast cancer or leukemia and the rest will fall like dominos from there.

And even on my whiniest, stressed days, I KNOW that we can do it. I know it's okay to miss that soccer game, disrupt Opening Weekend, work harder for a few days, so you can take Friday off.

I know it's okay to just come up for Saturday and Sunday if you absolutely can't take Friday off.

I know if you only raise $500 instead of $2300 you're still saving lives.

If you can't walk, please help us raise funds. We need sponsors and golfers and bunko players. We need table hostesses for our dinner on Sept. 12.

We need cheerleaders and walker-stalkers. We need prayers and hugs and love notes sent to us on the event.

We need you in our army and on our side.

And those "I don't want to do this anymore" days? That's when we need you the most.

That's when we need you to give us a boost and assure us that we ARE making a difference!!!

That's when we need you to remind us that what we're doing, even at its most challenging moments, is way easier than chemo.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Thank you so much for your honesty. I've walked in 4 events and plan to walk in my 5th this year - 31 weeks pregnant. This morning my doctor told me she did not recommend that I walk and I almost kicked her. The pregnancy is healthy, I'm walking currently and plan to continue, and have no intentions of walking anywhere close to all 60 miles. God willing, I will be walking in November and I'll check my whineyness at the door because even being 31 weeks pregnant beats chemo any day!

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