Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rice Beat the Snot Out of North Texas!

Here are pix from the Rice game last weekend. Here are the girls with Sammy. They LOVE Sammy -- almost as much as the R Room (read on for that one!)

Abbie wore this popcorn bucket around on her head all afternoon. After a couple of hours, when she realized there was butter in it, she about died!

These were taken in the "R" Room. From the time we get in the car to leave for the game, the girls are asking how long before we can go to the R Room. Not because you have to have a Mommy or Daddy who played sports at Rice, or purchased a membership, to get in. Not because Daddy gets to show them off to his friends. Not because they get to wear a cool blue bracelet. Not because it's got an awesome view of the field or because Mommy & Daddy had their engagement party up there.

No, it's because there are free cookies and M&M's in the R Room. Our girls would walk the world over for a cookie.

Here's the scoreboard when we left the game. I've never seen a Rice score like that!

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