UPDATE: Here's the link to our story on Click 2 Houston!
What a Whirlwind! Things have been moving so fast, my head is spinning!
Last Tuesday, I got a call from Jennifer Reyna at Channel 2 (NBC) in Houston! They wanted to do a story on Team Tiara and our quilts calendar! AND they wanted visuals! YIKES!
Wednesday, I got busy cutting out fabric so I could sew some on Thursday. However, Thursday morning, I got THE CALL from school.
BOTH the girls were in the nurse's office -- throwing up. In fact, they had started getting sick within about a minute and 30 seconds of each other. LOVELY.
I brought them home, set up a infirmary upstairs, and got to sewing. You can get a lot done when your kids' being sick forces you to be upstairs all day!
Fast-forward to this week....
Both the girls are well. Thank goodness.
Jennifer came out yesterday and shot the footage for the news segment. We all had a blast -- I'm hoping she had as much fun as we did!
It's going to air today at 4:00 or 6:00 -- we aren't sure which. So set your Tivo!!! Here are a few pix from the "Big Event."
We gave a shout-out to Frank Billingsley from the tent!
These are two other quilt tops I threw together to show....
As I was beginning to launch this quilt campaign, I contacted two bloggers whose posts I read regularly. Both are quilters. One apparently didn't think this was her cup of tea. The other? She's amazing.
Dana has a blog called "Old Red Barn Co." Last year, she did a quilt-along and I linked to it for those of you wanting to learn to quilt. I learned a lot from that quilt-along. I can finally mitre corners, and that's a very big deal to me.
Dana didn't just agree to help with this project -- she put the word out to a Flickr group that she runs, and they have donated enough blocks to make THREE quilts for our calendar and auction! THREE!!! I took some time on Tuesday to look through the pictures of their quilt blocks. They are simply beautiful. And their comments were beautiful. And it warms my heart to think of the love they're putting into those blocks -- and how badly they all want to help us find a CURE!
I appreciate all you do to raise the money to find the cure!
The clip was great! I hope you get a lot of response from it.
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