This is it.
Our girls have been playing some type of sports since Abbie was five and Kait was three. Soccer and softball have been our games of choice, and we've enjoyed (mostly) that time.
But here's the deal. I've always thought of Kait as "the athletic one." I really thought of Abs as the one who got more of my genes in the whole sports department.
I was wrong.
Kait is more of a natural runner -- she just is. And she does have more of a competitive streak than Abbie does.
But I'll tell you what -- I'm realizing more and more that our Abbie-girl is an athlete.
This summer, Abs has spent a LOT of time playing soccer. She did a five-day Ambassador camp here in the neighborhood with the Top 16 3rd grade players. Then, she spent a week in Aggieland in 2-a-days with the A&M coaching staff. This week, she and Kait were back in the neighborhood for the Christ-centered Sportsquest soccer camp -- three hours a day for five days straight. By the end of the week, they were TOAST.
But... before the week was out, Abbie had come close to winning a couple of the challenges that they have each night. And then, Thursday night, she WON! Here she is with her coach and her award -- a practice ball, so she can practice her skillz.
Maggie Baldwin is the camp photographer, and she has some really great pictures of both our girls in action. You can find more pix on her link here.
But soccer isn't the only place she's been demonstrating her athleticism, we've spent a ton of time at the Creek. Biggsy did take some time off to fish with Scott & Mark....
... But he's also spent a lot of time teaching the girls to ski. In the process, we have determined that the Waverunner was pretty much the best purchase we've ever made. Not only is it a whole lot cheaper to run than the boat, it's also a whole lot easier to clean up. AND it's great for working with kids on the water.
Kait learned to ski last weekend, and had it completely mastered by this weekend.
But the one that really got me was Abbie. She learned to ski last summer, and has skiied a few weekends this summer. Last weekend, we switched her from kid skis to my skis -- mainly to make our lives a bit easier. As far as Abbie was concerned, that meant it was time to learn to slalom.
So she did.
It took her about five tries to get it all figured out, but once she did, she had it nailed. And I mean nailed. None of this wobbling back and forth. She looked like a pro -- like she'd been skiing one ski her whole life. Like an athlete.
And a natural progression really is what it is. While Abs isn't always competitive on the softball field or soccer field, when it comes to moving on to the next step, she really challenges herself. Kait, too. It's kinda like.... Okay, I know how to ski. Now what??? And I'll tell you, her determination has really come through. There have been a few times these last couple of weeks when it was sheer determination that got her up on those skis.
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