Friday, September 12, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

It's blue skies here right now. A bit breezy, but blue. I can heare some landscaping guys mowing on the next street over -- people are out jogging, kids out playing.... It's kind of business-as-usual without school or work. Biggs has been trying to work at our dining room table -- no luck. The kids are constantly in and out. So he's moving up to my sewing room. We're trying to get the girls to play outside as much as possible since the rains will be here about noon and we'll be shut in until late tomorrow.

The storm is intensifying. How much remains to be seen, but it's a possibility to come in at a Cat 3 instead of a Cat 2. A Cat 4 would really be a jump that it probably doesn't have time to make. The track is still through Galveston, although there's some thought that it may turn more north towards Beaumont.

Here are some pictures from yesterday afternoon -- I thought "Before" pictures might be interesting to have! Biggs took the net and tops of the poles off the trampoline. Right now it's tied to the tree. Hope that holds it in place!

Here's the kids' playhouse that Dad gave them a couple of years ago.

This is our street last night. See? Blue Skies.

This is our neighbor Scott -- he's the girls' soccer coach. They still have boards left over from Rita -- already cut and labeled.
Our house.

The neighbors at the end of the street. Their daughter Brittney is in Kait's class.

More neighbors "in action."

Finally, two really cute pix from last week's soccer game. Kait and her friend Kassidy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stay safe...looking forward to seeing the 'after' pictures.

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